
Syntax changes with system, but semantics remain the same…

Business Management Tools would have changed, but the core principles or business process remains the same. An accounting is accounting, HR is HR… Due to frequent changes and upgrades in the technology and tools available, any system needs to be upgraded, changed, ported or migrated to the newer version. But the business policies, concepts and rules remain the same.

Documentation is the success key for any system. Modelling is a great catalyst between and business community and the system engineering team. Anything under the sun will have a process and methodology with which it is going to be build. A Blue Print is created before constructing a building. An outline pencil sketch is the base for any big picture…

PCI with its experienced team of SME – Subject Matter Experts, provide documentation solutions for IT and ITES systems. Our range of services in documentation includes System Analysis, Design and documentation that will enable any organization to have a clear picture of the system that they are looking for.

Extensive knowledge on UML – Unified Modelling Language, the state of the art modelling techniques to design any given system is the core strength of PCI to provide documentation solution for its clients.

The Documentation team is being headed by an International Extreme Programming / Agile Methodology Trainer and consultant who has extensively worked in a number of Seminars and workshops in the US and other countries.

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